Welcome to SHOWNAMYSTERY, the website for the book Thirteenth Apostle: The Coming Transubstantiation. So named because the book owes its very existence to the fact that its author was literally shown a mystery. Thirteenth Apostle is a first-hand, factual account of an event that involved the supernatural and what was eventually recognized as cosmology and produced a body of knowledge that goes beyond the usual realm of human understanding by employing the words Time, Space, Embody, and Heaven as they contributed to a process of unprecedented decodification. This event, (a suburb of Philadelphia, Pa. it's exacting location would later have monumental bearing on other events similar in nature) personally referred to as the 20th century equivalent of a 'burning bush' incident, captured the personal interest of 2 Jesuit priests and an associate of theirs who specialized in religious phenomena (one of the priests later demanded that the notes for the book be surrendered to him - why?). The book covers a wide range of subject material, all from a cosmological perspective, that includes consciousness, memory, the formation of the human physical form, the 'hereafter', the mechanics of sin and good, clairvoyance, the Shroud of Turin and the miracles attributed to Jesus (fact or fiction, it does not actually matter for the dynamics for miracles to occur are a functioning part of our everyday lives). As expected, the subject of religion follows but is not the religion that most 'knowingly' follow or as it is understood by modern man.
Rather, the reader comes to understand religion in its' more natural role being not a thing or activity outside of oneself, but by certain acts the self actually becomes religion. (The author can be seen discussing one of the more dramatic effects of this
by watching the YouTube video
"The Real Reason Why People Defend Religion"). Other than the event and the knowledge itself, one of the most intriguing aspects of the book is that it contains verbatim parts of interviews, dialogues and narrations representing statements and answers to questions by a host of luminaries whose expertise is relevant to the subject matter of the book in some cases up to 20 years before they ever appeared in various documentaries, television shows, and even in one major motion picture (Angels & Demons). Because of this the book is no longer merely
about the supernatural but now
becomes an actual physical artifact of the supernatural itself. One such example concerns the Gospel of Judas whose findings were not made public until the year 2006 in a NATGEO tv special yet appear in the book with a dimension of greater insight and detail some 16 years prior. On the more scientific side, certain cosmologists have theorized a formative event that utilized 2 distinct colliding, enjoining forces which precede and replace the Big Bang as the hallmark of creation for the universe. However, this same idea and more are a part of the foundation of the book 21 years prior being expressed by terminology unique to the book (more examples of this effect can be had by viewing the flagship video
SHOWNAMYSTERY.) Despite its title, the book does not promote Catholicism or Christianity or even religion as a whole. Rather, believers of all faiths and non-believers alike both agree and disagree with varying aspects of the book thus creating a unique paradox of thought and opinion. Thirteenth Apostle is the first and very last of its kind. It has something for everyone and is for everyone who believes in something....
To purchase Thirteenth Apostle: The Coming Transubstantiation: